
Millions of Jews want to own real estate in the holy city of Jerusalem. You need a trusted guide like Deborah Michael, who understands your needs and can navigate this complex city and its real estate market.

Jerusalem is the most sought-after city in the world – a unique fusion of ancient and modern, religious and commercial.Today, it offers a number of vibrant English-speaking communities, including  David’s Village, Nachlaot, the city center, Mamilla, Talbiye, Baka, German Colony, Mekor Chaim, Rechavia and Shaare Chesed. These recently upgraded areas offer high-quality buildings along tree-lined boulevards, plus an eclectic blend of history, culture, history and modernity.

Downtown Jerusalem has become a colorful tapestry of central neighborhoods that are magnets for a diverse community of foreign immigrants – young and old – seeking to establish roots in this timeless city. Because it is a truly international city, you encounter a fascinating mosaic of urban living unlike any other.

Jerusalem is the city that is constantly being rebuilt! In recent decades, there have been huge rejuvenation projects, so some areas of the city are newly constructed, while others are run-down and neglected. If you want to make Jerusalem your home, it’s super- important to choose the right neighborhood. We can show you a diverse range of homes – from historic houses that you can remodel or rebuild, to new apartment towers being presold.

The central neighborhoods of Jerusalem are home to a diverse mix of residents, including diplomats, new immigrants, and young families, attracted by the vibrant community centers, arts venues and synagogues. Shalom Buyit knows Jerusalem well, and we’re happy to guide you around. We know that community is important to people who move here from overseas, as much as value for money and return of investment, and we’ve got you covered from every angle!

One of the most sought-after neighborhoods in central Jerusalem is Mamilla. Located  just outside the walls of the Old City, this area boasts a unique blend of luxury residences with amazing old city views. Further east, the historical neighborhood of Talbieh has many stately mansions as well as newly constructed high-specification apartments.  The beautiful Rechavia neighborhood is known for its tree-lined streets and elegant architecture.

The beating heart of contemporary Jerusalem is the city’s central downtown area, with pedestrianized streets lined with stores, and the bustling Mahane Yehuda Shuk (market), bursting with colorful produce from all over Israel and restaurants from all around the world. The hopping nightlife in the Shuk and its avant-garde graffiti could even give Tel Aviv a run for its money!

The historic enclave of Nachlaot is tucked away behind the Shuk, is a labyrinth of narrow alleyways, hidden courtyards, and authentic stone houses. This community offers a window into Jerusalem’s rich tapestry of religious and cultural diversity.

By contrast, Baka and the German Colony offer grand and charming buildings and spacious parks, well served with delicious cafes and bijoux boutiques. Neighboring Arnona is a newer suburb that gained its popuarity with English-speaking purchasers when Baka became more expensive. We can show you smaller buildings and homes in Arnona that are still more affordable than some nearby towns.

Speak to Deborah Michael at Shalom Buyit today about choosing your perfect home in Jerusalem.

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